Colorado PEO Consultant: We are a local broker that specializes in both Employee Benefits and Professional Employee Organization (PEO) Analysis. Our services are at NO COST to your small business. Our job is to find the best fit for your company at the lowest cost.
My Story: I am a broker that has been in the insurance business over 15 years. I have worked for two major insurance companies prior to becoming a broker. I managed clients of all sizes to Fortune 200 accounts on the company side and as a broker.
I have watched the marketplace change drastically in the last 5 years. There are less options each year with insurance companies merging or leaving the Colorado Insurance Marketplace. My clients are important and finding solutions that give them more options, lower costs and help with compliance are a priority in this changing environment.
In addition I have found it very disturbing to find National PEO's coming into the marketplace that have staff with no background in group health insurance or benefits that go through a short training class to be a "sales representative" with a fancy title selling payroll/HR and farming Colorado Small Group's Health Insurance to an agency in another state….sent a group off to their national 1-800# to enroll and service the group. The majority of these national firms have high turnover as they are not trained with years of employee benefits experience to fully service a client. They are payroll sales reps, plain and simple.
Really, WHO do you want advising you? A PEO sales rep with 6 month's experience whose last job was selling athletic apparel or was a bar manager pitching payroll and farming you off to their national agency or do you want to have an expert in employee benefits with years of experience advising you on all areas of your benefits, key man coverage, worker's comp, payroll and HR?
The "National PEO" RipOff: Additionally, I have found it appalling that these national companies are charging small business in Colorado an average of $200-$300 PER MONTH for admin fees ON TOP of the large group health insurance costs. And many of them charge a percentage of payroll so if you have high paid workers with bonuses the cost just keeps going up. These national companies charm their way into unsuspecting coworking spaces and organizations by paying "sponsor fees". The unfortunate startup that is trying their best to "bootstrap" is actually deceived by the appearance of a company that hangs out in these spaces.
Local PEO or Broker Enrolled Direct Benefits=Local Service, Top Benefits, Less Cost and Huge Savings
Objective: Review your current benefits, where your employees are located, your demographics and your budget and find the best solution for your company.
Some of the many items included in a PEO package:
Employee Administration –manage all of your needs such as; recruiting, administration training, performance management, employee handbook creation, organizational development and any other human resource administration objectives that your business may have.
Employee Benefits – provide you with everything that you need to ensure that your employees are provided with everything that is needed to be happy, healthy and productive at work. Group Health Insurance on a Large Group Platform with Composite Rates, Group Life, Group Disability, Group Dental, Group Vision and Supplemental Coverages. In many cases health insurance coverage is secured for your group at a lower rate than a direct writer because you are on a large group platform. In addition you will be able to offer more options to employees as part of your package.
ERISA Compliance Relief-The IRS is auditing small groups in great numbers. ACA compliance, payroll tax compliance and misclassification of workers are the biggest areas that small businesses are getting fined. Items such as out of date or not having a summary plan description, problems with payroll and contribution or payroll taxes are big audit items.
Payroll Services– One of the largest concerns for most companies is concerns regarding employee payroll and having a payroll service that pays employees ontime, files tax forms and is on top of tax law.
Employer Liability Management – As I am sure you know; the human resources world is full of many complicated rules and regulations that require both time and concentration. This time could be better spent dedicating to the other needs of your business by allowing us to find a provider for you that can handle all of your compliance concerns.
Risk Management – manage government regulations as well as the many hazards and risks associated with workers compensation.
Workers Compensation – The cost of workers compensation is on the rise for many. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to reduce your liability and help to keep your business on track. The right PEO will reduce claim numbers and costs associated with workers compensation